Access Keys:

Ashgrove Primary School, Ashgrove Road Newtonabbey

Eco Schools

Our Eco-Schools programme aims to promote environmental awareness of the entire school.  An awareness of the environment and a pride in our school and community is an important part of our school ethos.  


In Ashgrove Primary our Eco Committee is led by Mrs McGivern.  The Eco Committee is made up of a number of children from P4-7.

We are a Green Flag Eco School!


Following our assessment, we have become a Green Flag Eco School.  A summary of our main actions are:

  • Developing a Global Perspective
  • Participate in Walk to School Week
  • Take part in World Fairtrade Day
  • Take part in Energy Power Down Day
  • Development of our Outdoor Play Facilities
  • Work towards becoming a Fair Trade School

Cash for Clobber



Ashgrove Primary is taking part in the Active School Travel Programme, Sustains which is funded by the Department of Infrastructure and the Public Health Agency.  The aim of the programme is to increase the number of children who regularly walk, cycle or scoot to school.  Benefits of more active travel include:

  • increased physical activity levels resulting in improved health and well-being
  • reduced congestion and pollution around schools 
  • improved academic performance and attendance rates
  • increased road safety awareness
  • increased confidence, self-esteem and independence for young people

Eco Schools News & Events

In P5C we are making hexagonal columns to represent the Giants Causeway.  We...
It’s hard to believe we have had our final term together. We have been so busy...
We have had a fantastic first year in P1! This term we have finished learning about...

Eco Club with Miss McDowell and Mr Smith meet each Thursday.